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  • Mobile App, use it as your key for entry, track your workouts and fitness goals
  • Access to ALL the classes
  • 24/7 access to the Kentucky Gym facility
  • Access to steam room and plunge pool
  • Discounted sports supplements
  • Discounts from local vendors
  • Cancel anytime with a 30 day notice
  • No, Nada, Zero initiation or other type of B.S. annual fee.
[/mkdf_pricing_table_item][mkdf_pricing_table_item set_active_item=”no” title=”Basic Plan” button_text=”Purchase plan” target=”_self” button_type=”outline” button_hover_type=”outline” image=”2452″ title_color=”#000000″ price=”29″ price_color=”#000000″ link=”#” price_period=”Billed Monthly”]
  • Mobile App, use it as your key for entry, track your workouts and fitness goals
  • Classes are Extra, pay as you go per class
  • Restricted/non peak times.  Your times on this plan are 11am to 4pm and 8pm to 6am.
  • Discounted sports supplements
  • Discounts from local vendors
  • Cancel anytime with a 30 day notice
  • No, Nada, Zero initiation or other type of B.S. annual fee.
[/mkdf_pricing_table_item][mkdf_pricing_table_item set_active_item=”no” title=”BEGINERS” button_text=”Purchase plan” target=”_self” button_type=”outline” button_hover_type=”outline” image=”2343″ title_color=”#000000″ price=”19″ price_color=”#000000″ link=”#” price_period=”Billed Monthly”]
  • Mobile App, use it as your key for entry, track your workouts and fitness goals
  • Classes are Extra, pay as you go per class
  • Night Owl Times ONLY 8pm to 6am.
  • Discounted sports supplements
  • Discounts from local vendors
  • Cancel anytime with a 30 day notice
  • No, Nada, Zero initiation or other type of B.S. annual fee.
[/mkdf_pricing_table_item][/mkdf_pricing_table][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row row_background_text_animation=”yes”][vc_column][vc_column_text] [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row row_content_width=”grid” btt_skin=”light” row_background_text_animation=”yes” css=”.vc_custom_1566463756711{padding-top: 110px !important;padding-bottom: 95px !important;}” simple_background_color=”#141414″][vc_column][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1563177354910{padding-bottom: 24px !important;}”]

Reviews from you

[/vc_column_text][mkdf_testimonials type=”image-pagination” disable_images=”no” skin=”light” slider_loop=”yes” slider_autoplay=”yes” slider_navigation=”yes” slider_pagination=”yes” number=”4″ category=”main”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row btt_skin=”light” row_background_text_animation=”yes” content_text_aligment=”center” simple_background_color=”#000000″ css=”.vc_custom_1566463761192{padding-top: 40px !important;padding-bottom: 40px !important;}” el_class=”mkdf-instagram-label-bottom-row”][vc_column][mkdf_icon_with_text type=”icon-left” icon_pack=”ion_icons” ion_icon=”ion-social-instagram” icon_size=”mkdf-icon-small” title_tag=”h6″ target=”_blank” title=”FOLLOW US ON @KENTUCKYGYM.COM” link=”https://www.instagram.com/qodeinteractive/” title_top_margin=”10″ title_color=”#ffffff” icon_color=”#ffffff”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row row_background_text_animation=”yes”][vc_column][mkdf_pricing_table number_of_columns=”” space_between_items=”normal”][mkdf_pricing_table_item set_active_item=”no” title=”Full Boat” button_text=”Pre Register Now” target=”_blank” button_type=”solid” button_hover_type=”solid” image=”3223″ price=”49″ currency=”$” price_period=”Monthly”]
  • Mobile App, use it as your key for entry, track your workouts and fitness goals
  • Access to ALL the classes
  • 24/7 access to the Kentucky Gym facility
  • Access to steam room and plunge pool
  • Discounted sports supplements
  • Discounts from local vendors
  • Cancel anytime with a 30 day notice
  • No, Nada, Zero initiation or other type of B.S. annual fee.
[/mkdf_pricing_table_item][mkdf_pricing_table_item set_active_item=”yes” title=”Standard Non Peak” button_text=”Pre Register Now” target=”_blank” button_type=”solid” button_hover_type=”solid” image=”2343″ price=”29″ currency=”$” price_period=”Monthly”]
  • Mobile App, use it as your key for entry, track your workouts and fitness goals
  • Classes are Extra, pay as you go per class
  • Restricted/non peak times.  Your times on this plan are 11am to 4pm and 8pm to 6am.
  • Discounted sports supplements
  • Discounts from local vendors
  • Cancel anytime with a 30 day notice
  • No, Nada, Zero initiation or other type of B.S. annual fee.
[/mkdf_pricing_table_item][mkdf_pricing_table_item set_active_item=”yes” title=”Night Owl” button_text=”Pre Register Now” target=”_blank” button_type=”solid” button_hover_type=”solid” image=”2355″ price=”19″ currency=”$” price_period=”Monthly”]
  • Mobile App, use it as your key for entry, track your workouts and fitness goals
  • Classes are Extra, pay as you go per class
  • Night Owl Times ONLY 8pm to 6am.
  • Discounted sports supplements
  • Discounts from local vendors
  • Cancel anytime with a 30 day notice
  • No, Nada, Zero initiation or other type of B.S. annual fee.